
LUXURIES: What do YOU carry?

After each trip, I look through my gear to see what was needed, and what wasn’t. Inevitably there would be areas that could be trimmed down, but there is one area I believe is a necessity- Luxury.

Luxury is simply that- an item you don’t need, but certainly want. So, if you don’t need it, why is it a necessity?

Simple truth: Enjoyment. When I go backpacking, I want to enjoy my trip. Certain items can vastly improve my joy on the trail, and those few ounces turn into some of the best invested ounces I would bring. Food is by far the heaviest of my luxury items, but we’ll focus on everything else.

Fishing stuff
Line and Hooks 30g
Fishing Rod
TenkaraUSA Iwana Rod- 73g
Caligraphy Pen 9g
Moleskine Pocket Journal Plain 111g
iPod Shuffle w/Headphones
Luxuries Total Weight
 (For reference, the ‘U’ means I carry in the upper compartment, the ‘O’ means I carry on the outside of the backpack.)

Here are examples of some luxury items you could bring:

Fishing: After reading up on the Tenkara rods from Brian Green (link), I opted to buy one. I admit, my experience when it comes to fishing is fairly limited, but it’s fun to learn. That’s hours of entertainment for a little more than 100 grams.

Writing: I love to write. This is why I go backpacking- to get away. To find a spot overlooking a forest and zone out for a bit. Moleskines are great journals, and top it off with a calligraphy pen, weighs 120 grams. To me, that is the most important 120 grams of my pack.

Music: While my journal may be my most important grams, my iPod shuffle is the best ratio of weight-to-enjoyment grams I have. 25g for both the player and headphones gives me hours and hours of music enjoyment. I know bringing music isn’t for everyone, but for me it is.

Games: Sometimes when the rain hits and you are perched under a tarp, you just want to have some fun. Playing cards and board games help here. Granted, this leans towards the heavier end of luxury items, and probably my least taken, but a good board game with friends during rainy weather sure beats the wait-it-out alternative. Not all board games are feasible, but some smaller games (with less pieces) or their travel-sized equivalents can be.

Alcohol: Usually something I avoid on trips, as it is mostly dead weight. Heavy dead weight. That said, having some whiskey next to a fire just feels right.
Which leads me to…

Instruments: Flute, harmonica, backpacking guitar… Barring a cello, many instruments are portable. While I’m less inclined to take my guitar, I do have a tin whistle as well as a harmonica that are both worth their weight.

Luxury items may seem out of place, but, much like extra spices, they definitely add some flavor to a backpacking trip. But, unlike the essentials, they have to prove their worth- ounce for ounce.

Feel free to comment on what luxury items you like to bring.

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